Epiphany – a moment of revelation is a Christian feast that marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas and commemorates the three wise men's (Magi's) visit to Jesus.

Popular Epiphany customs include singing, chalking the door – having one's house blessed, consuming Three Kings Cake, removing Christmas decorations as well as attending church services, which is restricted for most due to the pandemic.

In an online event in Luton, Sr Maire Hayes, Inter Faith Coordinator for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Northampton, recalled that last month the planets Jupiter and Saturn had appeared closer and brighter than they have been in 800 years. It was called a “great conjunction”.

She reflected ‘The Star of Bethlehem’ that guided the Three Wise men may have been such “a great conjunction”.

Is this telling us something in 2020, which may have been a grim year but we know there have been flashes of hope.

Let us reflect on what stars have shone for us last year. Who have guided us? What has thrown light in our path? What vision or values have held us steady, when we were not sure of the way ahead? What were our moments of Epiphany?

After visiting Jesus, the Wise men were told to return by ‘another road’, for the old way was no longer safe or sustainable.

What will be ‘another road’ for us in 2021? We know it cannot be business as usual. It is not sustainable for us and our environment.

Animo! Bon Courage! Be steadfast!

The Rosca de Reyes (Three Kings sweet bread) decorated with candied fruit, popular in Hispanic countries

The Rosca de Reyes (Three Kings sweet bread) decorated with candied fruit, popular in Hispanic countries

AuthorGrassroots Luton