Dear All
I hope this finds you safe and well. We’re glad to let you know that the council website has been updated with a full range of materials explaining the great importance and benefits of Covid 19 vaccinations. You can find all resources here:Covid-19 Vaccine page
They cover a broad range of formats (factsheets, videos, graphics etc.) as well as community languages, cultural and religious perspectives, and BSL materials. We will be updating them continually as soon as new and relevant resources come to our attention or can be produced.
As you know, there is some hesitancy around having the vaccine across our community. We hope these resources will help anyone seeking information, advice and evidence as to why the vaccination programme is being promoted to protect the whole community.
We would be very grateful if you could:
· review them as soon as possible;
· signpost them to all those you are in touch with who are seeking trustworthy information;
· and distribute whichever resources you feel will have greatest impacts across your networks.
If you have any further suggestions for adding to the resources please don’t hesitate to let us know. As always, with thanks for your assistance and support for this collective community effort.
Best regards
Marek Lubelski
Social Justice Manager
Policy, Community, Engagement
Luton Council
01582 548779
07876 034933
LUTON CARES: Collaborative, Ambitious, Respectful, Empowering and Supportive