“The world has never been more threatened or more divided, and is facing the greatest cascade of crises,” said UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to the opening of the General Debate of the 76th Session of the General Assembly in September 2021. He sounded an alarm over the COVID-19 pandemic, a climate crisis pummeling the planet and an upheaval in Afghanistan and other nations that is thwarting peace.
In such critical times, CWM (Council for World Mission)[1] Europe Region, is partnering with GRASSROOTS[2] Luton to explore and enrich our learning by reflecting together on
What do the various faith traditions say about building life flourishing communities? What stories people from different faiths can share from their respective religious tradition(s)?
Can different faiths work together to build life flourishing communities? If yes, how? Is there a model?
“We, all of us, are being called to do something unprecedented. We are being called to think about ‘everything that is’, for we now know that everything is interrelated and that the well-being of each is connected to the well-being of the whole. This suggests a ‘planetary agenda’ for all the religions, all the various fields of expertise.” —Sallie McFague
CWM-GRASSROOTS bring together people from different faiths as speakers and storytellers to share their lived experiences of living and working together with those of other or no particular religious affiliations – for the common good.
Date: 25th November 2021
Time: 2-4pm
Link for Registration is https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpcOyhrD8vEtUsW6gKSEJljBSpvgZYB39f
Background to the theme of Life-flourishing Communities
‘Life-flourishing communities’ is the Council for World Mission’s (CWM) overall Strategic Framework theme for 2020-2029. In the midst of forces and powers bent on despoiling, destroying and denying, the theme underscores CWM’s commitment to God’s vision of just world and flourishing life for all.
In November 2020, CWM Europe began to facilitate a series of webinars to help members and ecumenical partners to reflect on this theme. Recordings of these conversations can be found at this link:
[1] a global partnership of 32 member churches in 31 countries, with over 50,000 congregations worldwide
[2] a Christian ecumenical programme of community engagement working with Churches and other faith communities in Luton for over 30 years
Link for Registration is https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpcOyhrD8vEtUsW6gKSEJljBSpvgZYB39f