Like every year, during the annual Fairtrade Fortnight 22nd Feb – 7th Mar 2021, the Fairtrade Foundation UK has announced its virtual Choose the world you want festival.
Fairtrade Fortnight is a great time to make or renew our commitment to Fairtrade, pledging to buy and use Fairtrade products at work or at home.
Fairtrade isn’t Charity – It is Justice.
To give people what they deserve – Support Fairtrade please!
Fairtrade helps disadvantaged farmers and communities in developing countries.
It guarantees them a fair price for their produce.
It pays them an additional premium, with which they access education, healthcare, and sustainable farming methods.
So please buy products with Fairtrade Logo as seen above – teas, coffees, sugar, fruit, biscuits and chocolate are all widely available in most supermarkets.
By choosing Fairtrade, you will support 7 million people in 59 developing countries.
Thank you for your support.