Diverting to Digital is a pair of free workshops, both 90 minutes each, helping both yourself and your organisation/group to make the move online and harness the platforms and tools available.
Diverting to Digital are information and signposting workshops, split between 2 sessions; Introductory and Advanced.
The Introductory Session focuses on making the move online as an individual, and covers topics from how to use Social Media, setting up a Website and Online Safeguarding. THURSDAY 11th MARCH AT 11am-12.30pm (90mins)
The Advanced Session concentrating on organisational reach and includes Social Media analytics, Newsletters, Surveys and finding funding opportunities. FRIDAY 12TH MARCH AT 10am-11.30am (90 mins)
Each session will provide information and support in a flexible and informal manner, aiming to help you think about how the information could be tailored for your own approach. Both courses follow a similar structure with the Advance Session building on information provided in the Introductory Session. Helping you to make the most of the amazing resources and platforms available.
If you or your group are interested in attending, please let me know who would like to attend, which course you would like to attend, you can attend both, but you need to let me know, and I will send you the zoom link.
Please share among your networks,
Best wishes,
Kim Greig
Near Neighbours Coordinator (Luton)
near.neighbours_luton@btconnect.com / 07930601640