HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire's Virtual Easter Service - YouTube
Easter is the most important Christian festival celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection, which reminds of the eternal hope that death does not have the last word on human destiny. This message has a particular significance in times like these when so many are left bereaved for the loss of their loved ones due to the pandemic.
Reflecting on the Easter message of rebirth and renewal Right Reverend Richard Atkinson, OBE, Bishop for Luton & Bedford said, “The Easter promise is not that challenges go away, but we are able to see through them with hope and promise. There is light in the darkness, decay does give way to new life. The risen Jesus inspires us to know that the story can be different; that good can and will triumph and that all can be made new.”
In the last 12 months, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis has been keeping in touch with the people of Bedfordshire virtually through her weekly online messages, periodic virtual services and via regular contact with voluntary organisations, businesses, and faith, health & educational establishments.
In her virtual Easter service, she said, “In this moment of our history as we stand at the gateway to a new beginning, and at Easter, which brings the message of renewal, may we all reflect on the possibilities of changing our world for the better and the part that each of us can play. My thanks to all who have pointed the way to a better place. Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter.”
HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire's Virtual Easter Service - YouTube