As you will be aware the Census took place on the 21st March this year.

If you haven’t done it,  there is still time to complete the Census and you can do this throughout April and into May.

The online Census completion date has been extended from the 4th May for another week.

The paper request date via our helpline numbers below, remains the same, the 30th April, but forms can be completed and returned during May.

For language support, see

For language helpline & interpreters, call 0800 587 2021

For support center, call 0800 141 2021

To request a paper questionnaire, call 0800 876 6276

For the local drop in support center at ESOL College, Dunstable Road (open Monday to Friday from 10.30am to 5pm), please call in advance to make an appointment at 01582 410069

See Press Release & Myth Buster document here.

Samantha Glicksman

Census Engagement Manager-Luton | Office for National Statistics | 

+44 (0)7452939497| |

AuthorGrassroots Luton