GRASSROOTS Luton took part in an online regional Environmental Workshop led by the Thames North Synod URC (United Reformed Church) on Saturday 8 May 2021.

The workshop was convened by Revd Terry Hinks Minister of Trinity United Reformed Church, High Wycombe.  

It was a fruitful and meaningful time of engagement bringing together people of all ages from across the Synod to share our commitment to care for God’s creation.

A Scripture reading from Ecclesiasticus 43:11-26 was a poignant reminder that the wonder of all things held together is by the Word of the Maker and our Creator.

After two people had shared their experiences of becoming Eco Church, James Anthony of Climate Sunday organisation, encouraged all local churches across Great Britain & Ireland to hold a climate-focused service on any Sunday before COP26 (November 2021). He also encouraged all to make a commitment as a local church community to taking long term action to reduce your own greenhouse gas emissions, by joining the existing programmes such as Eco ChurchLiveSimply. It was also considered important that we must all speak up and use our voice to tell politicians that we want a cleaner, greener, fairer future at the heart of plans to rebuild a strong economy.  Read and sign The Climate Coalition’s ‘The Time Is Now’ declaration .

The Time Is Now is a campaign run by The Climate Coalition, the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change.  With COP26 we are at a turning point. Our best chance of building a stronger economy goes hand in hand with tackling climate change. By working together, investing in growing clean industries and preserving green spaces we can build a cleaner, fairer world for future generations, instead of locking in pollution for decades to come.  The UK will be the hosts of the UN Climate Summit COP26 in November this year. This is our opportunity to lead the world into a greener future, but first we need to invest in the solutions to climate change at home. Ahead of the summit, the UK must lead the world by ensuring our recovery gets us on track to net-zero emissions and limits the rise in the global temperature to 1.5 degrees C.

 The youtube link for the video promoting The Time is Now declaration:

 (44) 2021: The Time Is Now For Climate Action - YouTube

 What is COP26 and what can we do?

The UK churches Relay to COP26 being led by Young Christian Climate Network

Eco Synod – an environmental policy for Thames North Synod of United Reformed Church (URC)

This will be developed using the experience of other Synods further along the way.  All synod policies are on URC website. Here is the link:

In his closing comments, Revd Terry Hinks said “how much ever we may like to lobby and influence the government, we must also look to change ourselves as individuals and also our Churches and faith communities.” He quoted the words of Pope Francis:

“May our struggles and concern for this planet never the take away the joy of our Hope.” (Laudato Si’ 244)

URC Synod Environmental Workshop 8th May'21 Screenshot Images.JPG
Eco Church Key Areas.JPG
AuthorGrassroots Luton