The Council for World Mission (CWM) is a worldwide partnership of Christian churches. The 32 members are committed to sharing their resources of money, people, skills and insights globally to carry out God’s mission locally. CWM was created in 1977 and incorporates the London Missionary Society (1795), the Commonwealth Missionary Society (1836) and the (English) Presbyterian Board of Missions (1847).

In a recently held CWM Europe Members’ Mission Forum (MMF) it was an opportunity for representatives from member churches to intentionally engage with, contribute to, and participate in the shaping of the missional direction of CWM.

A virtual tour of the significant work of GRASSROOTS in Luton was shared online with the delegates attending MMF. It can be seen on this link here.

In appreciation, Revd Dr Michael Jagessar, Mission Secretary CWM Europe Region said, “We express our profound appreciation for your time, presence and contributions to our recently concluded Members’ Mission Forum (MMF). The fruitful and energising online MMF held over two days is a reflection of the quality of your contribution and the commitment you gave to event and the Virtual Contextual Visit to Grassroots Luton.”

“You have contributed significantly to our endeavour to continue to live out God’s vision of just world where all can share and participate in full and flourishing life. As we continue to hold each other in prayers, may your own work and ministry continue to bring you delight and may God continue to bless and lead you in exciting and surprising ways.”

Watch the virtual tour of the significant work of GRASSROOTS in Luton here.

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AuthorGrassroots Luton