Members of the Make COP Count coalition have met MPs and Peers to brief them on faith groups’ priorities for the UN climate talks (COP26) in November.

A diverse range of faith groups came together with parliamentarians for the online event on Monday 14 June.

It was co-hosted with the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Climate Change and the APPG on Faith and Society.

Faith leaders were joined by staff from faith-based organisations and young faith representatives who are passionate advocates for action on the climate crisis.

The speakers made the case for the UK government to take action on the current impact of climate breakdown on the lives and livelihoods of people around the world.

The Make COP Count coalition is campaigning for loss and damage to be on the agenda for COP26. It is also calling for an end to fossil fuel finance in the UK and abroad.

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AuthorGrassroots Luton