CWM Europe is one of six regions of the Council for World Mission (CWM), a worldwide partnership of churches in mission made up of over 21 million Christians in forty countries of the world. The Europe Region is made up of five member churches. CWM works globally, regionally, cross-regionally, and ecumenically.
At its 2022 Regional Assembly, the CWM Europe held a participative residential gathering which included worship, group work, interactive exercises and discussions and a day-long immersion visit to Luton during which the Assembly delegates visited different places of worship and engaged with members from faith communities, asking what inspires and motivates them to serve people of all backgrounds selflessly. How do they work together with one another? Almost everyone from different faith communities in Luton said they cannot do it alone and that together we are able to make a difference.
One of the host communities members said, “The part played by each and every one of us to serve the common good, is aimed at complementing one another and not competing against one another.”
Delegates commended how GRASSROOTS & LUTON COUNCIL OF FAITHS has sustained over the years, its work of building good community relations in Luton.
Introducing the overall theme and framework of the Regional Assembly, Revd Dr. Michael Jagessar, Secretary for CWM Europe, in a statement said, “Europe’s history, taste, and the tendency for war and violence is once more revealed, as Ukraine resists the Russian invasion and occupation. After the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its warning on the impacts of climate breakdown earlier this year, we know that climate breakdown is accelerating rapidly, many of the impacts will be more severe than predicted and there is only a narrow chance left of avoiding its worst ravages.”
“And all this has to be addressed as we try to emerge from our shelters from the tempest Covid. The Europe Regional Assembly, therefore, offered us an opportunity to reflect on what it means to ‘Rise up’ and what power, privilege, policy, anxieties, grief, guilt, and control we need to ‘let go’ to help us rise up.”
“As Christian Churches and all faith communities, we must continually review how we want to prepare ourselves for action. What are the treasures and gifts we can share to inaugurate a new world, in which life in all its fullness, life in all its abundance can be shared equally by all and not just by few.”
“And watching different faith communities working together in Luton have provided us hope – hope in action.”
During the visit, Pastors Vincent Cox of the New Testament Church of God (Park Street) and Llyod Denny of The Restoration Revival Fellowship (Dunstable Road) also shared their life experiences. Pas Vincent Cox talked about his work with Churches Together in Luton (CTL), particularly on the Ecumenical Interdenominational Commission on Racial Justice & Pas Llyod Denny talked about his work with Luton in Harmony & on Racial Justice Issues with public sector agencies e.g. local authority and the Bedfordshire Police.
CWM Europe Regional Assembly visit to Luton
CWM Europe Regional Assembly visit to Luton
CWM Europe Regional Assembly visit to Luton