St Albans Diocese of Church of England, in partnership with GRASSROOTS Luton, held for the second consecutive year, the Inter Faith Week Event at St Albans Cathedral on 6th Nov 2023 at 7:30pm.
About 125 people from different religious and those of no religious backgrounds were welcomed from Beds, Herts & parts of the London borough of Barnet, covered by St Albans Diocese.
Talking of this event, the Diocesan Inter Faith Advisers (DIFAs), Reverend Canon David Kesterton (Luton) and Reverend Tony Rindl (Watford) said we were struck by the connections in the language used by the different faith representatives on the event theme “Strangers & Co-Pilgrims – Sharing together how encounter with those of different beliefs strengthen our own faith.”
The Reverend Canon David Kesterton (Luton-based Diocesan Inter Faith Adviser) said, “The story of Alban who gave sanctuary to a Christian priest fleeing Roman persecution in the 3rd century provided a perfect introduction to the event that recognised the diversity of faiths in our community.”
“Representatives of 8 different faiths shared from their own perspective how their religious teachings lead them to view the value of others and to respect those of different beliefs.”
“As each contributor shared for just 2 minutes each, a common thread became clear. The value each placed on every member of the human race and the creation itself.”
“Several people said to me that if they had closed their eyes it would have been difficult to know which faith was been presented when it came to the practical outworking of this in daily life.”
The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore (Dean of St Albans Cathedral), the official host of the event, was delighted to welcome all. She felt a strong sense of unity of language and purpose.
It was wonderful that in addition to input from different faiths, musicians from St. Albans Cathedral also performed instrumental music to make guests feel welcome at the Cathedral.
The St Albans School students’ heartwarming performances of songs and poetic recitations, related to the event theme, enthralled everyone.
In the end, a short guided tour of the St. Alban shrine was also offered to guests.
The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City and District of St Albans Councillor Anthony Rowlands and His Worship the Mayor of Luton Councillor Mohammed Yaqub Hanif said all the speakers from different faiths reminded us that we have many common and shared values and principles. It is crucial to tackle the ignorance that can and does lead to hate; a better understanding of one another leads to harmony and unity that can withstand the most tumultuous of times.
In his concluding remarks, summarising what different speakers had shared, the Bishop of Bedford Right Reverend Richard Atkinson said there are strangers who may become our greatest teachers; there are strangers who are not yet friends; and as strangers and co-pilgrims we are all called to work for peace and justice in our world through our self-less service.
Inviting everyone to become the “bridge builders”, Bishop Richard graciously reminded that bridge building is costly; the problem with being a bridge is that people walk over you from both ends. And yet, he said, “it is important that as people of faith, we do it; no matter what the cost may be.”
The Reverend Canon David Lawson, Chair of GRASSROOTS Luton said, “At this event, I felt strongly I was in the company of friends and fellow pilgrims, committed to working for a better world. Against the background of what is currently happening in the Middle East, the event offered light and hope.”
- Ends -
1) The Diocese of St Albans inter faith work is done in partnership with Luton based Grassroots Programme, which has been working with Churches and different faith communities in Luton for over 30 years.
2) The Diocese of St Albans is a diverse diocese. It includes a significant number of parishes where different faith communities comprise more than ten percent of the population. There are large Jewish communities in south Hertfordshire and Barnet, and large Muslim, Hindu and Sikh communities along the diocesan spine of Watford, Hitchin, St Albans, Luton and Bedford. St Albans Diocese is committed to engaging and partnering with members of different faith communities for pursuing the common good.
3) Inter Faith Week is a programme of the Inter Faith Network for the UK (IFN), a charity which has been working since 1987 to promote inter faith understanding and cooperation in the UK. IFN’s programme of work, including Inter Faith Week, is supported by faith communities, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, trusts and other donors.
4) Inter Faith Week 2023 began on Sunday 12 November in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. This is a special Week which highlights the contribution of faith groups to society; encourages greater inter faith understanding and cooperation and also dialogue between those of religious and non-religious beliefs. It is timed to begin each year on Remembrance Sunday to encourage remembering together of the service of those of different faiths and beliefs from the UK and the Commonwealth.
5) More information on Inter Faith Week can be found at:
The hashtag for social media is #InterFaithWeek.
Inter Faith Week social media accounts can be found at
6) A range of Inter Faith Week activities in England are also being supported by the Near Neighbours Programme of the Church Urban Fund.
7) A big Thank you to The Venerable Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean of St Albans Cathedral | Reverend Canon Tim Lomax Director of Mission & Ministry at St Albans Diocese | St Albans Cathedral Musicians | and the Cathedral Social Justice Team | for their welcome and support in creating such an inspirational evening of fellowship and togetherness
The Venerable Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean of St Albans Cathedral in the middle with all the invited guests and participants at the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
The Reverend Canon David Kesterton (Luton-based Diocesan Inter Faith Adviser) interacting with all the invited guests and participants at the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
Musicians from St. Albans Cathedral performed instrumental music to make guests feel welcome at St Albans Cathedral Inter for the Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23.
Invited guests from different faiths interacting at the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
Invited guests from different faiths interacting at the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore (Dean of St Albans Cathedral), the official host of the event, was delighted to welcome all the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
The Reverend Tony Rindl (Watford-based Diocesan Inter Faith Adviser) introducing the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
At the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23, 9 speakers representing 8 different faiths shared how their religious teachings lead them to respect those of different beliefs.
The St Albans School students’ heartwarming performances of songs and poetic recitations, related to the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week event theme, enthralled everyone.
Invited guests from different faiths at the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
The St Albans School students’ heartwarming performances of songs and poetic recitations, related to the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week event theme, enthralled everyone.
The Reverend Will Gibbs, Residentiary Canon for Mission and Pastoral Care introducing Peace Doves | The Making of an Installation at the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
The Right Reverend Richard Atkinson, Bishop of Bedford, interacting with Invited guests from different faiths at the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
His Worship the Mayor of Luton Councillor Mohammed Yaqub Hanif in conversation with Invited guests from different faiths at the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23
The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore (Dean of St Albans Cathedral), the official host of the event, welcoming guests at the St Albans Diocesan Inter Faith Week Event held on 6th Nov’23