Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual promotional campaign that happens once every year. The Fairtrade Foundation UK produces resources and guidelines, helping Fairtrade campaigners and activists across the country, to increase awareness of Fairtrade products and the benefits of supporting Fairtrade.

This year during the annual Fairtrade Fortnight 27th Feb – 12th Mar 2023, the Fairtrade Foundation UK has brought into the spotlight, the harmful effect of the climate crisis on the future of our food.

Luton Fairtrade Steering Group, convened by Grassroots and supported by the Luton Council of Faiths, joined in spreading a simple message: making the small switch to Fairtrade supports producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet.

The 4th Annual Fairtrade Cake Baking Competition held at St Anne’s Church is another way of engaging with and involving people from different faiths and cultures in strengthening the Luton Fairtrade campaign going strong for the last 18 years.

The bakers were invited to present their cakes with recipes and the packaging as evidence of the three fair-trade ingredients. Nearly 50 guests, friends, and neighbours were then asked to taste the cakes and choose the three best cakes – the best-looking cake, the best-tasting fruit cake, and the best-tasting sponge cake.

The top three winners were given Fairtrade prizes, sponsored by Near Neighbours.

Expressing gratitude to all those who had taken part in the competition, the event organiser Revd Anne Crosby, Vicar of St Anne with St Christopher Parish said, “Fairtrade Fortnight is a great time to make or renew our commitment to Fairtrade. By choosing Fairtrade teas, coffees, sugar, fruits, biscuits, and chocolates, available in most supermarkets, you support 7 million people in 59 developing countries.”

She added, “Fairtrade helps disadvantaged farmers and communities in developing countries. It guarantees them a fair price for their produce. It pays them an additional premium, with which they access education, healthcare, and sustainable farming methods and achieve inclusive and equitable climate solutions.”

To find out more about how to take part in Fairtrade Fortnight 2023, please visit;


Fairtrade isn’t Charity – It is Justice. To give people what they deserve, please support Fairtrade. We all can do our bit by choosing to buy products with the Fairtrade logo on it.

Winners of the Annual Fairtrade Cake Baking Competition with Cllr Tahmina Saleem, and representatives from Grassroots, Luton Council of Faiths and Near Neighbours Programme

AuthorGrassroots Luton