The Luton Fairtrade Steering Group, continuing with its Fairtrade Festivities, has now developed Christmas Fairtrade Gift Hampers!
As we are aware, Fairtrade is not charity but it is about justice. Astonishingly, despite producing 70% of the world's food, over half of the world's hungriest people are small producer farmers in third world countries. Purchasing their products in fair trade terms means they can have a better training, tools, education, health care and clean water.
We are also supporting LOCAL HONEY and recently launched the PEACE HONEY at CofE St Hugh’s Church (Lewsey) in Luton’s Annual Peace Walk held on 26th Sep 2015.
Friends, it is with delight, we are introducing 2 sets of hampers to be purchased at £6 and £15. We can also make bespoke hampers, if you or anyone wishes, depending upon products availability.
For further enquiries or to purchase, please email or call the GRASSROOTS office on 01582 416946.
You can give a Fairtrade Christmas Hamper to your loved ones or a neighbour, and why not someone of a different faith sharing the Joy of Christmas and the Birth of Christ?