Join us in celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight 2017 at our event in Luton Town Hall where we will share:

  • Our Luton Fairtrade Story
  • The Fairtrade Fortnight Theme: ‘Take A Break’  
  • A presentation by St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School presentation
  • Research Study on Fairtrade and Cohesion
  • Fairtrade Stalls
  • FREE Fairtrade refreshments!

We are also excited to announce that Patrick Kaberia Muthaura, a Kenyan tea producer, will be joining us to share his experiences in person! 

Date: Tuesday 28th February 2017
Time: 10:30 - 12:30
Venue: Luton Town Hall, George St, Luton, LU1 2BQ 

Places must be reserved by contacting us via:
Email: or
Phone: 01582 416946

You can also download our event poster here!

AuthorGrassroots Luton