Our local MPs, Kelvin Hopkins and Gavin Shuker, have kindly agreed to talk with Faith Leaders and Community Members, involved in the work of Luton Council of Faiths (LCoF) and GRASSROOTS. 

Join us as we share the opportunity in a social and informal setting to discuss any concerns or aspirations we may have around topics including Brexit, Hate Crime (Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, racism etc), Britain's response to Refugees, rising levels of poverty and homelessness, hope for the Labour Party's future and more.

This event is taking place on Friday 9th December 2016, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at Holy Ghost Parish Church, 33 Westbourne Road, Luton, Beds. LU4 8JD (Parking is available within the premises).

Please do reserve your place as it helps us to finalise seating and catering requirements!

For more information or to reserve your place please contact David Jonathan (Johny):

  • Call 01582 416946 or TEXT ONLY to 07886 350854
  • Email jgrassroots@btconnect.com
  • Download promotional flyer here!
AuthorGrassroots Luton