The Women's World Day of Prayer originally began as separate days of prayer organised by individual Christian denominations in America in the mid 1800's. It has now become a global ecumenical day of prayer which is estimated to touch 3 million people in 170 countries and islands.

The service is prepared by women from a different country every year for global participants to follow. This year it was from the Philippines with a theme of "Am I being unfair to you?"

Luton had a preparation day for the service in January when there was a Bible Study, Circle Dancing, practice for the service and information about what life is like on the islands. Three services were held across Luton on the actual Women's World Day of Prayer on Friday 3rd March at Sacred Heart Church, The Salvation Army and The Holy Family Marsh Farm.

GRASSROOTS members were privileged to attend and have a Fairtrade stall at the Sacred Heart Church. It was a very special service that brought denominations together across Luton.

AuthorGrassroots Luton